Choosing A New Pet

3 Ways That Acupuncture Can Help Your Dog

Alternative medicine is not just for people; alternative medicine can also be a useful way to treat and help your dog. Acupuncture is one alternative therapy that is not just used on people; it can also effectively be used to help your dog with medical conditions that they are facing. It is a great, natural way to treat your dog as it does not come with many side effects and can save your dog from having to undergo more invasive treatments or take more invasive medication. Read More 

Prepare Your Home For A New Dog This Holiday Season

Puppies are often on top of the list of gifts during the holiday season. If you're thinking about this option, a pet isn't just a great way to make your little one happy, but it's also a way to add more love within your family and teach your children responsibility. To ensure the best transition for your family, make certain you're prepared. Responsibility Each time your child reminds you that they want a pet for the holidays, use this as an opportunity to have a conversation about pet responsibility. Read More 

Boarding Your Barn Cat During Renovations Or New Construction

If you own a barn, there's a good chance that you also own one or two barn cats. But when you are planning major renovations or new construction around your barn, you may be concerned about how your resident mouse-hunters will respond. Rather than subjecting your barn cats to the noise, hazards, and strangers that come with having their home put under construction, it may be wiser to board them for the duration of the project. Read More 

Three Tips To Help You Be Prepared To Find A Lost Pet

Going through the misfortune of having your pet get lost can be a stressful and frightening experience for any pet owner to have to go through. Unfortunately, this can be a problem that many pet owners will overlook until it happens, and this may make it far more difficult to locate your pet. To help you be prepared for your pet getting lost, you may want to consider the following few tips. Read More 

Summertime Heat: Protecting Your Pet

Your dog needs exercise all year round in addition to quick trips outside so that they can do their business. Walking your pet in extremely hot temperatures requires care and planning in order to keep them safe. Also, simply having your dog outside requires caution in the hot months. When the temperature soars, follow a few commonsense steps. Exercise In the blazing heat, you need to consider the comfort of your pet in the same way you think about your own. Read More